Christians manage over $150 Trillion. That’s more than half of the world's wealth. This also happens to be 200-300x greater than what is donated philanthropically each year.

Capital of this magnitude has influence. Yet, many Faith Driven Investors are content to let others determine where this money is invested. Too often, they passively profit from portfolios that run counter to their beliefs.

What would it look like if we could align our investments with God’s heart?


The Videos You'll Watch

Tim Keller, Andy Crouch, Finny Kuruvilla and others will highlight the common attributes shared by Christ-following investors. You will have the opportunity to gather together once a week to watch a new video from our Investor Foundation Video Series.



Why Do You Invest?

In this session, we are challenged to rethink our relationship with money and redefine success through the lens of faith. God is inviting us to partner with Him in using everything we have—not just for personal gain, but for the flourishing of others and the advancement of His mission in the marketplace.


God & Mammon

This session confronts a powerful question: Have we bought into the lie that we can serve both God and Mammon? The reality is, we cannot divide our loyalties or serve them partially. This truth is foundational for us as investors and stewards of God’s resources. Everything we have belongs to Him; we are merely entrusted with it for a time.


All Investing is Impact Investing

This session invites us to take a step back and consider: How can we use the capital we manage to glorify God, serve others, and fulfill His greater purposes? The potential is immense, and it starts with a heart that seeks His will above all else.



The Risk of Doing Nothing

In this session, we explore how “re-risking” is about surrendering our resources to God and trusting that, by doing so, we’ll be part of something far greater than anything we could achieve on our own.


Solve the World’s Greatest Problems

In this session, we look at the transformative power of reinvestment—how, by using capital to fund long-term, sustainable solutions, we can actually solve some of the world’s most pressing issues within our lifetime.


Your Next Step

In this session, we share how you can move from simply knowing to actually doing. The journey isn’t meant to be walked alone. It’s about doing this in community with like-minded people who share your vision and values. Surround yourself with others who are on the same path, and allow them to encourage and hold you accountable.


Discuss With Like-Minded Investors

Go even deeper by watching each session and discussing it with a Faith Driven Investing Group. Learn more about how you can join a group in person or online.



Discuss With Your Group

Each month, you will have the opportunity to watch a video and discuss it with your Faith Driven Investing Group. Haven’t yet gone through our Foundation Series? Learn more about how you can join a Faith Driven Investing Foundation Group.


Watch With Us

Join other investors for the 6-week Foundation Group where, together, we'll watch video and engage in a discussion with trained facilitators. We have groups for Accredited Investors, Fund Managers, and Financial Advisors, so you can find the one that works the best for you. There's no cost, but we are limiting the number of spots to maximize the experience. Click the button below to sign up.


Join a Group. Get a Free Book.

While you could go through the study alone, we think it's better in community. When you register for a group, you get a free copy of the Faith Driven Investing Book co-authored by Henry Kaestner, Tim Keller, Cathie Wood, Ron Blue, Richard Okello, Obie McKenzie, and more.