Session 4: The Risk of Doing Nothing


As Faith Driven Investors, the concept of "re-risking" challenges us to rethink how we approach our resources. It’s a call to move beyond playing it safe and to trust that God has greater plans for us and those we can impact through our investments.

Consider the rich man in Matthew 19, who hesitated to give up his wealth to follow Jesus. He held onto his possessions so tightly that he missed the invitation to enter the Kingdom of God. In the same way, when we play it too safe with our capital, we risk missing out on God’s best for us and the potential impact we could have in His Kingdom.

In this session, we explore how “re-risking” is about surrendering our resources to God and trusting that, by doing so, we’ll be part of something far greater than anything we could achieve on our own. 

So, what does this look like for us as investors? For some, it might start with a simple but powerful step—letting go of something and embracing generosity. 

Another key aspect of re-risking is honestly evaluating our capacity. It’s common for our hearts to exceed our capacity. For those of us who are new to Faith Driven Investing, or who have limited time, partnering with a fund manager or an experienced advisor might be the right step—allowing us to invest in alignment with our values, while someone else manages the intricacies on our behalf.

Ultimately, the journey of re-risking begins with getting free and getting clear—before we get going. This means taking time to reflect on our own relationship with money, our capacity to give and invest, and our willingness to trust God with everything He’s given us.


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Discussion Questions

  1. As Faith Driven Investors, we can use an intentional approach to investigate and select investments that meet the goals God has given us. In the process, we can get clear, get free, and get going.

    • It’s not about having wealth—it’s about how we view and use it. When our needs and reasonable wants are met, that can become our “finish line.” Where is your financial finish line?

    • We’re not called to build bigger barns, but to build a legacy of faith and generosity. How can you use excess capital for Kingdom impact?

    • Wise stewardship multiplies the impact of our resources—money, time, skills—exponentially. How are you compounding your spiritual impact through wise stewardship?

Go Deeper

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Investor. What we provide below are three ideas that might lead each one of us to Think Differently About Risk. 

  1. Consider: Greg Lernihan provided a three-fold approach for how we can allocate the finances God has entrusted to us. Develop a plan, such as a “Family Thesis,” for your giving and investments. 

  2. Act Differently: Have you ever looked under the hood of your investments to determine if you’re deploying capital in a way that aligns with your values and beliefs? Or are you allowing others to make that decision for you while you passively stand on the sidelines? Ask a trusted friend or advisor to take inventory with you.

  3. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Investor Podcast. Additionally, explore the Faith Driven Investor YouTube Channel for more stories and insights from like-minded investors around the world.

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