What is a Faith Driven Investor?
Is it possible for our faith to influence how we invest? And if so, what would that look like? There’s a movement of devoted followers of Jesus who have come to see that our faith informs everything except our investing. That needs to change. So, whether you’re a retail or institutional investor—a rich your ruler or a widow with her mite—it’s time to fuse your faith with your investment strategy...
The Impact and Attitude of a Faith Driven Investor
All kinds of investors—from the rich young ruler to the widow and her mite—have the ability to affect change. How and where we do that can change from person to person and institution to institution. But when it comes to the reputation, impact, and attitude of a Faith Driven Investor, there are certain things we all have in common...
Practices of a Faith Driven Investor
How do we take the principles of a Faith Driven Investor and put them into practice? Well, there are three habits, three attitudes, that we can apply to our lives in order to see God move through the way we invest. Find out what the heart posture of a Faith Driven Investor looks like, why excellence matters, and what happens when collaboration occurs in this 3-day Bible reading plan...
The Business of Loving Thy Neighbor
Pete Kelly and the team at Apartment Life have taken God’s command to love thy neighbor and turned it into an opportunity for both ministry and business. And they want you to do the same. If you work in real estate and want to see how God’s love can shine through your work, this reading plan is for you
Praying for People Around You
Everywhere we look, there are people in need. Few groups understand this dilemma better than Pete Kelly and the team at Apartment Life. They’re working to decrease suffering as they increase human flourishing, and they want to show you how to do the same. Join us on a journey of prayer as we bring the people around us before God.
Spiritual Discernment and Property Management
Managing and developing real estate comes with its own unique set of challenges. Thankfully, Pete Kelly and the team at Apartment Life have been thoughtful about this topic and have given us a framework for how to think, and really how to pray, through the heart posture and process of buying and selling property.
Putting God at the Helm
We all know that we need to let God lead our lives, but when it comes to our investing, we can tend to leave Him out of our decision-making. But for these investors, God isn’t just present in their work—He’s steering the whole thing...
Discovering God's Kingdom
Jesus talked a lot about God’s Kingdom, and today, we see people talk about “Kingdom builders” and having a “Kingdom impact,” but what does that really mean? We talked to two pastors and two investors to find out...
Biblical Basics for Investors
What does the Bible have to say about investing? We know that God’s Word talks about prayer, love, forgiveness, and yes, even money. But what passages should Faith Driven Investors turn to regularly? We asked a few, and this is what they said...
Investors Respond to Poverty
How should those who have more help those who have less? That’s the question we posed to a group of investors, and as they shared how God’s Word informs the way they help, serve, give to, and love the people around them...