Session 3: All Investing Is Impact Investing
We know that God owns it all and that the capital He has entrusted to us holds the potential to make a significant impact. We also understand that our time on Earth is short and that we are called to live with purpose. But do we truly grasp what that purpose is?
"It's not about you."
This simple but profound truth is the opening line of Pastor Rick Warren's best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life. He goes on to explain that the search for personal fulfillment, satisfaction, and meaning can only be found when we understand and live out the purpose God has for our lives. It’s not about us—it’s about Him.
This session invites us to take a step back and consider: How can we use the capital we manage to glorify God, serve others, and fulfill His greater purposes? The potential is immense, and it starts with a heart that seeks His will above all else.
God has placed trillions of dollars under the management of investors like us. This is a massive responsibility. But with faith and purpose, we can make a difference. By intentionally directing our resources to align with God's values, we can deploy the capital entrusted to us in a way that has a lasting, redemptive impact.
Our investments can be part of something far bigger than ourselves—a movement that furthers God's work in the world, bringing about flourishing for all His creation.
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Discussion Questions
In this session, John Coleman talked about starting with an awareness—we first need to understand what is happening in our investments. Oftentimes we unwittingly invest or take ownership in ventures and funds that are contrary to our values. Here are a few more questions to help your group go even deeper in discussion.
All investing is impact investing? Have you looked at your portfolio to see whether it positively reflects that truth?
The headlines are filled with corporations influencing culture with their internal policies and public stances. How are investors shaping these positions? Can managed assets have an impact?
What can we learn from the investment philosophies of others who have brought faith into their investment policies? Can your faith be a competitive advantage?
Go Deeper
There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Investor. What we provide below are three ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of what it means to Pull From One Pocket.
Consider: The beauty of the Faith Driven Investing Movement is that all Christians have the opportunity to bring their faith, convictions, and biblical understandings into the conversation. You might reconsider your approach to public market or private market investing. Maybe you give more. You might be led to invest more. Or you could become more intentional about the asset class you’re in. Wherever God calls you, it’s important to seek His guidance in this area of your life with the same intentionality that we do with where we live and serve.
Act Differently: Once a month, our Marks of the Markets podcast episode pushes the conversation forward about faith, investment philosophy, and the frontiers where innovation is happening. Seasoned investors discuss big moments and opportunities to identify places for redemptive work in the world.
Learn From Others: Explore the Faith Driven Investor YouTube Channel for more stories and insights from like-minded investors around the world.