Session 2: God & Mammon
As financial professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs, we are in the business of increasing wealth, and it’s easy to become consumed by the pursuit of financial success. In a world driven by capital and status, we can sometimes lose sight of the bigger, more eternal purpose that should guide our work.
This session confronts a powerful question: Have we bought into the lie that we can serve both God and Mammon? The reality is, we cannot divide our loyalties or serve them partially. This truth is foundational for us as investors and stewards of God’s resources. Everything we have belongs to Him; we are merely entrusted with it for a time.
Chasing after money, possessions, and status is ultimately a hollow pursuit. Though it may offer fleeting pleasures, it robs us of something far more valuable: the promise of eternity and the true, lasting joy that God offers when we align our lives with Him.
So, how do we stay accountable in a world that constantly pulls us toward materialism? How do we avoid the blind spots that can subtly derail our purpose? It all begins with understanding our true identity in Christ. When we know who we are—God’s beloved, entrusted with His resources—it shifts our perspective on wealth and success.
But it doesn’t stop there. We also need to cultivate relationships where we can be radically vulnerable with others—where we allow friends to speak truth into our lives and hold us accountable in our stewardship.
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Discussion Questions
In this week’s video, best-selling author Andy Crouch shares a powerful teaching that transforms our understanding of money and how we can devote ourselves fully to serving God. Here are a few more questions to help your group go even deeper in discussion.
Does money influence our lives more than envy, lust, and pride?
Why is there such secrecy when it comes to money? Why is it so radical to have someone outside of an advisor look into your finances?
When was the last time a trusted friend pushed back and asked you the tough questions about God owning it all?
How do we really challenge the idea directly about God owning it all? Is God really the majority shareholder of your portfolio or minority?
Go Deeper
There's no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Investor. What we provide below are three ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of why we need to Identify in Christ and our role as stewards.
Consider: Be honest with yourself and determine what kind of hold money has on you and your life. A generous heart is what helps to keep us free from greed, control, and selfishness. Do you agree? We tend to focus on finances when we think about generosity. What are some other ways we can give beyond just our treasure?
Act Differently: Invite your spouse and family members to join you in a free online Journey of Generosity (JOG) retreat hosted by Generous Giving (for US audiences) or Generosity Path (for non-US audiences) where you'll have a safe space to process your relationship with money and generosity.
Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Investor Podcast. Additionally, explore the Faith Driven Investor YouTube Channel for more stories and insights from like-minded investors around the world.