Session 1: Why Do You Invest?


As investors, we have a unique opportunity to invite God into every financial decision we make—especially in how we steward the capital He has entrusted to us. This aspect of our lives is often overlooked, despite the fact that Christ-followers around the world manage trillions of dollars in wealth, a sum with the potential to make a profound impact on the Kingdom of God.

In this session, we are challenged to rethink our relationship with money and redefine success through the lens of faith. God is inviting us to partner with Him in using everything we have—not just for personal gain, but for the flourishing of others and the advancement of His mission in the marketplace.

Launch Capital illustrates how Faith Driven Investors can leverage their resources to care for those on the margins and bring about redemptive change in the world. Their story also prompts us to reflect on the deeper purpose behind how we deploy the capital entrusted to us. This radical pursuit might spark meaningful conversations in your group, and we hope it encourages each of us to wrestle with the why behind our investment choices.

It's important to clarify that being a Faith Driven Investor doesn't always mean choosing the smallest opportunities or focusing only on emerging markets. The exciting opportunity before us is to align our investments with God’s purposes—seeking both financial return and transformative impact.

So, how can we think bigger? How can we go beyond the typical financial mindset and ask deeper questions about the why behind our investments? What amazing possibilities could unfold when we align our financial resources with our faith and our desire to serve God’s Kingdom? The potential is immense—and the choice is ours.


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Discussion Questions

  • In this week’s video, we see how Launch Capital operates at the intersection of real estate and serving displaced people. At the center of it all is a deep desire to glorify God with faith and purpose. Here are more questions to help your group go even deeper in discussion.

    • "God owns it all" is central to Faith Driven Investing. How does it challenge your current view of wealth?

    • The Launch Capital story highlights the impact of counter-cultural business practices. How can business be the change agent and source of redemption in ways that traditional ministries might not?

    • What role can investors play in fueling redemptive, disruptive innovation in the marketplace? How might God be calling you to be a link in that chain of impact?

Go Deeper

There's no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Investor. What we provide below are three ideas we think might lead each one of us to be Aware of the Power of Money and Markets.

  1. Consider: Faith Driven Investing can often result in a market rate return where great results might come because of biblical values, not at the expense of them. Take time this week to meditate on this idea. Reflect on why you invest. Is God’s glory your greatest desire?.

  2. Act Differently: Today's session looked at how deploying capital might be the most overlooked by those of us who are motivated by our faith. This week, take a step to evaluate whether your investments align with God's purposes. You might start by spending time alone with the Lord in prayer, asking if there are areas you need to surrender. Additionally, you could review your financial portfolio to see if your vision aligns with God's.

  3. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Investor Podcast. Additionally, explore the Faith Driven Investor YouTube Channel for more stories and insights from like-minded investors around the world.

Remember, this journey of Faith Driven Investing is not meant to be prescriptive. It’s about heart posture at its core. It's about getting down on our knees and asking God how He might have us deploy the capital He's entrusted to us. If nothing more than your heart is transformed because of this course, then it's a win.

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