Session 5: Solve the World’s Greatest Problems


In today’s world, we are inundated with an overwhelming amount of information, making it easy to become paralyzed and struggle to follow through on our good intentions. Solving the World’s Greatest Problems is a platform designed specifically for Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and Investors, shining a light on over 30 critical global challenges while offering tangible ways to build, invest, and give in alignment with our values.

For decades, ministries have struggled to deploy enough capital and sustainable solutions to effectively address these problems. While philanthropic capital is incredibly valuable, it is not enough on its own. In this session, we look at the transformative power of reinvestment—how, by using capital to fund long-term, sustainable solutions, we can actually solve some of the world’s most pressing issues within our lifetime.

The tension between making money and using resources for the greater good is real. But if we believe that God owns it all—our wealth, our time, and our talents—we can shift the conversation around stewardship. Rather than seeing wealth as something to be accumulated for ourselves, we can focus on creating virtuous cycles, where capital is reinvested into fighting even bigger challenges, multiplying our impact.

When we view our resources through the lens of God’s ownership, we open the door to lasting transformation. Through Faith Driven Investing, we not only address today’s problems but also create sustainable solutions that will continue to have a positive impact for future generations.


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Discussion Questions

  • If we truly believe that God indeed does own it all, then we can change the stewardship conversation. And our focus moves to the virtuous cycles where more can be reinvested to tackle even bigger problems.

    • How can we use “for-profit models” to solve the world’s greatest problems? As an investor, how can you deploy capital for both market returns and philanthropic impact?

    • Solving the World’s Greatest Problems has identified 30+ issues of particular devastation. Do any of these resonate with you? As an investor, how can you deploy capital for both market return and philanthropic benefit?

    • We briefly discussed Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) as a way to leverage investable capital. What are the benefits and barriers? If it’s right for you, what step can you take today to get started?

Go Deeper

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Investor. What we provide below are five ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of our Pulling From One Pocket. 

  1. Consider: Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) can be used to invest in companies and funds, often in partnership with groups like the National Christian Foundation or the Impact Foundation. When those investments bring a return, it puts more capital in your DAF to invest towards the next opportunity. 

  2. Act Differently: How is God inviting you to partner with him in building his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven? In other words, what’s your problem? Rediscover the power of building, investing, and giving at

  3. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Investor Podcast. Additionally, explore the Faith Driven Investor YouTube Channel for more stories and insights from like-minded investors around the world.

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