Posts in Private Equity
Aligning Your Wealth with Your Values

Empirical research studies have shown that people looking to work for a particular company have actually admitted that they factor in whether or not they view the company as a good corporate citizen. Studies have also shown that employees feel good in knowing that their company is engaged in giving back to the community.

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Creative Destruction and Work as Transformation

Joseph Schumpeter was a prominent economist in the mid-20th century, who devoted his life work to the study of capitalism. According to Schumpeter, the "gale of creative destruction" describes the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one".

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Podcast Episode 20 - The Danger of Hanging Your Best investing Ideas on Scripture with Jerry Bowyer

We’re so excited to share a conversation today that we think is long overdue. If you’ve been following the website, you’ve no doubt seen the name Jerry Bowyer as we’ve featured several of his blog posts (including “Jesus’ Terrible Financial Advice,” “How God’s Work is the Model for Your Work” and others)—all of which are must-reads.

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When the 'Dry Powder' Disappears

Venture capitalists have raised record-breaking funds in recent years, but that doesn’t always mean the money is there for them when they want it. In extreme downturns, the people and institutions that promise capital to venture capital firms, and then wire it when the VCs need it for their startups, have little choice but to answer the phone less.

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Presenting Our New FDI Video Trailer!

It’s estimated that Christians manage over 150 trillion dollars. That's over half the world's wealth. That’s 200-300x what is given (around the world) philanthropically each year. Capital has influence. Yet many of us are content to let others determine our investment strategy.

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National Faith Driven Investor Gathering in Dallas - Sept 23-24th

One year ago, a small group of us gathered in Deer Valley to dream about how the Gospel might advance through Faith Driven Investing. This movement of investors, fund managers, and leaders believes that God owns it all and that He cares deeply about how we steward His investments.

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