Posts in Microfinance
Presenting Our New FDI Video Trailer!

It’s estimated that Christians manage over 150 trillion dollars. That's over half the world's wealth. That’s 200-300x what is given (around the world) philanthropically each year. Capital has influence. Yet many of us are content to let others determine our investment strategy.

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HOPE Global Investments: Moving Capital and Discipleship Around the World

HOPE International’s journey into deepened support for SME business owners across our network began in many ways with the Login family of Western Ukraine. We had the privilege of watching as their microbusiness – a bike shop – blossomed into a platform for real impact in their home village, namely, helping adolescents with a tendency to turn their backs on family and fall into drugs and alcohol addiction in their teenage years.

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What's in Your Hands?

In Scripture, when God’s people approach Him with their dreams and desires, He sometimes answers with an unexpected question: “What do you have in your hands?” In this short video, HOPE International explores how God invites His people, both in Scripture and today around the world, to play an active role in restoring brokenness.

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A Microloan Can Help Poor People in Bangladesh. What About New Jersey?

For a while, microfinance was the hottest trend in global development, promising you could change a poor person’s life with a very small loan. Let them start their own business and get your money back. Then you can go on to transform someone else’s life. Though the promise was not fulfilled, new uses are being found for microloans, ideas we may be able to apply to our own favorite causes.

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