Posts in Favorite Videos
Presenting Our New FDI Video Trailer!

It’s estimated that Christians manage over 150 trillion dollars. That's over half the world's wealth. That’s 200-300x what is given (around the world) philanthropically each year. Capital has influence. Yet many of us are content to let others determine our investment strategy.

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Do Economic Incentives Help or Hinder "Business as Mission" Practitioners?

There is a lot of excitement nowadays about businesses that have multiple “bottom lines.” Whether one calls it "Social Entrepreneurship" (SE) or "Business as Mission" (BAM), the idea that businesses can be financially successful while also addressing social problems (and spiritual needs, in the case of BAM) is a popular one.

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Shelter from the Storm

A Princeton educated, Wall Street Financial Analyst lost millions in the 2007 financial crash. Watch to see how after much praying, fasting and support from her Fellowship of Companies for Christ International group, she rebounds to live out her life's calling to bring wealth creation and jobs to her native New Mexico.

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