Bridgeway Capital Management
Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash
Video originally posted here by Center for Faith and Work
What does the high-stress world of finance have to do with the Kingdom of God? You'll see when you watch this video about Bridgeway Capital Management, a Houston-based investment management firm with $2.0 billion in assets under management.
In 2009 Bridgeway was named by Entrepreneur Magazine and the Great Place to Work Institute as the #4 Best Small/Medium Workplace in the U.S. When John Montgomery formed Bridgeway in 1993, he set parameters that foster an empowered organization that stresses process and results over titles and status. One such parameter is that no partner (all staff members are called "partners") will make more than seven times the total compensation of the lowest paid partner. Another, 50 percent of company profits are given to charitable and non-profit organizations.