Posts in Featured
Do Economic Incentives Help or Hinder "Business as Mission" Practitioners?

There is a lot of excitement nowadays about businesses that have multiple “bottom lines.” Whether one calls it "Social Entrepreneurship" (SE) or "Business as Mission" (BAM), the idea that businesses can be financially successful while also addressing social problems (and spiritual needs, in the case of BAM) is a popular one.

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Faith Driven Entrepreneur Event Immediately Following Investor Conference

Many of you are familiar with our other ministry initiative, the Faith Driven Entrepreneur, a close cousin to the Faith Driven Investor. For those of you who might not have heard, we're excited to announce that we will also be hosting the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Conference in Dallas on Sept 24-25th, immediately following the investor event!

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Strategy in the Age of Superabundant Capital

For most of the past 50 years, business leaders viewed financial capital as their most precious resource. They worked hard to ensure that every penny went to funding only the most promising projects. A generation of executives was taught to apply hurdle rates that reflected the high capital costs prevalent for most of the 1980s and 1990s.

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National Faith Driven Investor Gathering in Dallas - Sept 23-24th

One year ago, a small group of us gathered in Deer Valley to dream about how the Gospel might advance through Faith Driven Investing. This movement of investors, fund managers, and leaders believes that God owns it all and that He cares deeply about how we steward His investments.

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