-   Session 5 for Accredited Investors
with Pete Kelly    -

Being a Good Neighbor is Good Business

How spiritual return and financial return can go hand-in-hand.


In Session 5, Pete Kelly, CEO of Apartment Life, has learned that being a good neighbor isn't just the right thing to do—it's also great for business. Watch to see how Apartment Life integrates spiritual return into their business model and what they're doing to save apartment owners an average of $188,000 per year.



  • Apartment Life is a ministry that helps apartment owners with resident retention by providing community building for residents. This session gives a glimpse into one innovative way real estate can be faith driven. 


  • It is estimated that Apartment Life is saving apartment owners $188,000 per year (and a 6% cap rate) in terms of turnover and marketing. How can integrating our faith into real estate also be good business?

  • Pete shares that up to 95% of people living in apartment communities are unchurched. What role can faith driven real estate investors play in serving the unchurched? How does this statistic emphasize the need for faith driven real estate investors? 

  • Pete’s business model is a great example of one way to innovatively integrate faith into real estate. What are some other ways you can live out faith driven investing in real estate?

  • Proverbs 31:16-18 gives the example of a successful real estate investor through the life of the Wife of Noble Character. What wisdom does this example provide for real estate investors?



Proverbs 31:16-18

She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.

Act Differently

  • Sit down with another faith driven real estate investor to brainstorm new ways you can uniquely live out your faith in Christ as a real estate investor. Pray and reflect on what steps the Lord may be leading you to take.