-   Session 6 with Will Thomas    -

Investing Within Community

Joining hands with other Faith Driven Investors for greater impact and discovering where to go from here.


In Session 6, Will shares about the importance of investing alongside other Faith Driven Investors. Some advantages he shares include: 1) deal flow, 2) mutual encouragement, 3) less required time commitment, and 4) more thorough due diligence. Will gives the example of Ambassadors Impact Network (AIN), a group of Christian investors out of Texas, to show one way this can manifest. 



  • Will shares that investing in community is especially important for: finding deal flow, mutual encouragement, less time commitment, and more thorough diligence.

  • Will shares about AIN’s assessment for spiritual impact, including through measuring:

    • Values documented in the company (mission statement, employee handbook, etc.)

    • Activities in the company that are advancing the Gospel (prayer, service, chaplaincy)

    • How the service/product of the company is advancing the Gospel


  • Will mentions that some of the advantages of investing in community are increased deal flow, mutual encouragement, less time required, and more thorough diligence. Why else is investing in community important as a Faith Driven Investor? 

  • Will shares AIN’s spiritual impact measurements, including assessing the company’s documented values and Gospel-advancing activities. How else can we measure the spiritual impact of our investments?

  • How do we find Faith Driven direct deals and funds to invest in? (Hint: Try out an existing Christian Angel Network or the FDI Marketplace!)

  • Where do we go from here? (Hint: get involved with Faith Driven Investor and check out our Best From The Movement pages!)



Romans 12:4-6

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.

Act Differently

  • Make it a priority to connect with other Faith Driven Investors in your local community. (Hint: Need help? Reach out to us!)

  • To increase your deal flow by Faith Driven Entrepreneurs, try out the FDI Marketplace.