-   Session 5 for Accredited Investors
with Mark Sears    -

Strapped to the Mast with Like-Minded Investors

Partnering with Faith Driven Entrepreneurs in the midst of a chaotic world.


In Session 5, Mark recalls Homer’s infamous tale, “The Odyssey”, and how the story of Odysseus and the sirens provides wisdom for entrepreneurs and investors alike. Mark reminds entrepreneurs of the siren songs of ego, pride, power, and Mammon that threaten to dismantle them, and empowers investors to help keep their entrepreneurs from going after those dangerous siren songs.



  • The term “Strapped to the Mast” refers to Homer’s The Odyssey. Odysseus has himself strapped to the mast to hear the sirens’ song, but only passed it by because of his healthy respect for temptation.

  • Entrepreneurs go through treacherous waters - such as running out of investment capital or facing cutthroat competition - but also pass by even more dangerous sirens like ego, pursuit of money/fame/success/power, or growth for the sake of growth. 

  • Entrepreneurs are trying to take care of the sailors on their boats (that is, their employees), but who is helping these entrepreneurs from chasing after the siren songs? Faith Driven Investors!


  • How, as investors, can we help keep entrepreneurs from chasing after the siren songs? (i.e. ego, pursuit of money/fame/success/power, etc.)

  • Mark describes the Mast that we need our entrepreneurs to be strapped to as joining God in the renewal of all things and picking up our cross daily. How can we encourage our entrepreneurs to strap themselves to this Mast? 

  • Mark shares the story of his investors overnighting teething biscuits and sending a Thanksgiving turkey to Nepal. What is a time when you as an investor demonstrated you were “strapped to the mast” with an entrepreneur? 

  • What does being “strapped to the mast” NOT mean? (i.e. what happens when your entrepreneur is failing financially?)



1 Corinthians 10:13

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

Act Differently

  • Take a step to demonstrate you are “strapped to the mast” with your entrepreneurs. Show them you’re invested not just in the business, but in them as brothers and sisters in Christ.