Session 4: Capital = Influence


Money talks. And it wields great power and influence in the world. The question for any Faith Driven Investor is this: How will we use this power? 

As someone who has access to capital, you can end wars, fight disease, and transform culture. Or you can forfeit your power to change the world by following along and allowing others to determine the fate of humanity.


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Spirit-led investing and patient capital can absolutely transform the future of your city or community. We need both investable and charitable capital to begin to attack our problems. They’re better together. Here are a few more questions to help your group go even deeper in discussion.

  • It's not about having wealth, but about how we view and use it. When we reach a point where our needs and reasonable wants are met, that's our "finish line." Where is your financial finish line?

  • We're not called to build bigger barns, but to build a bigger legacy of faith and generosity. How can you use excess capital for Kingdom impact?

  • When we invest our resources wisely, whether it's money, time, or skills, the impact compounds. It grows exponentially, touching more lives and bringing more glory to God. How are you compounding your spiritual impact through wise stewardship?

Go Deeper

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Investor. What we provide below are three ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of how we can Redefine Return. 

  1. Consider: So, how do we avoid the temptation of the barn builder while embracing the wisdom of the talented servants? One modern tool is the Donor-Advised Fund, or DAF. A DAF is like a charitable investment account. You contribute cash, securities, or other assets, and those funds can be invested for tax-free growth. You then recommend grants to your favorite charities over time.

  2. Act Differently: Invite your spouse and family members to join you in a free online Journey of Generosity (JOG) retreat hosted by Generous Giving (for US audiences) or Generosity Path (for non-US audiences) where you'll have a safe space to process your relationship with money and generosity.

  3. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Investor Podcast. Additionally, explore the Faith Driven Investor YouTube Channel for more stories and insights from like-minded investors around the world.

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