Posts in Featured
HOPE Global Investments: Moving Capital and Discipleship Around the World

HOPE International’s journey into deepened support for SME business owners across our network began in many ways with the Login family of Western Ukraine. We had the privilege of watching as their microbusiness – a bike shop – blossomed into a platform for real impact in their home village, namely, helping adolescents with a tendency to turn their backs on family and fall into drugs and alcohol addiction in their teenage years.

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Where WeWork Went Wrong and What We Can Learn from It

One of the most anticipated IPO’s of 2019 hit enormous roadblocks and it serves as a powerful case study for us. In private fundraising rounds, Adam Nuemann, WeWork’s CEO, enjoyed incredible favor with investors. That favor finally ran out as skeptical Wall Street investors found flaws in the company’s governance, valuation, business model, and expense structure.

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