How to Turn Your Business Into a Ministry for God

Article originally posted here by Ronald Blue Trust

by Ronald Blue Trust

The following was written by Evan Longstreth, a Sr. Private Wealth Advisor in the Atlanta office of Ronald Blue Trust.

Do you feel a calling to ministry? Have you ever wondered how you can serve in fulltime ministry in your current work environment?

Leveraging your business for fulltime ministry takes intentionality and thought. Often business owners think they should leave ministry to the church, but we all play a unique role in fulfilling the Great Commission by building and supporting the Body of Christ. Most people think that you're either in the ministry or you're not, but perhaps your workplace could also be your ministry.

Think about this fact: the average size of a church in America is less than 200 people. Is that smaller than you thought? This statistic measures the number of people who attend church three out of four weekends each month in the U.S.

Now think of the number of people your business touches during a month: employees, customers, vendors, partners, or suppliers. When you add up all the key stakeholders, your business influences a significant number of people on a monthly basis. You could even be impacting as many people as your local congregation. Your business gives you an opportunity to share God's love and grace with others.

Over the past two decades of serving small business owners along their stewardship journey, I have watched many of them evolve from a mindset focused solely on being a market leader to a mindset focused on becoming a marketplace steward. This spiritual business transformation has been fascinating and a blessing to watch.


Photo by Nicolas Hoizey on Unsplash