How Long?
Photo by Dimitri Houtteman on Unsplash
At the end of every podcast, we like to ask our guests to share what God has been teaching them in this season of life. Chuck Bentley recently shared the origin story of the Christian Economic Forum, and he also talked about what God is teaching him about patience through a time of trial.
I've read through the word of God many times, and it's a practice that I enjoy. That's what I do as I try to just read straight through the word of God. Year after year.
But this year I'm doing something different. I'm listening to the word of God. So I have a Bible app that I really like reading it and how it's done. And I get up in the mornings and I listen through it and it causes me to listen differently. And it's had a great impact on me. I'm enjoying it so much. I literally look forward every morning to getting up for my time to just plug in the earphones and listen to it. But I got to part the other day in Jeremiah, where Jeremiah was complaining to God.
And there's not many places recorded in the scripture, and I'm glad my name isn't recorded in the scripture, as one who complained to God. I mean, if I were in the Bible, I would be embarrassed at some of the things that would be revealed about me. But Jeremiah, it's revealed that he's asking God questions and he's not happy. And one of the questions he asked in Jeremiah 12 is how long? You know, he's upset. He's just really anxious.
And I think for where we are right now, we can all relate to that question is how long, how long is this gonna go on? Seems like it's going on forever. And I'm tired of it.
And so God answers him. And I was just fascinated by his answer. He, as he typically does, ask you a question in return, just the way it did with Job. And so he says to Jeremiah. Jeremiah, if you've been running with men and you're already weary, how are you going to keep up with horses? And he just reset the whole perspective for Jeremiah. And he pointed out to him that this has a purpose. You know, this waiting, this learning and growing in character in patience is to prepare you for another challenge and a challenge maybe you haven't even imagined.
And I feel like somehow right now we're running with men and we're complaining and getting weary. But there's going to be a day that God wants us to run an even more difficult gauntlet, a difficult challenge, and to use this time to be prepared for what lies ahead. I'm encouraged by that,and I think that God's people need to be those who can meet these challenges head on.
Be patient. Wait on the Lord. Trust in him and then be ready for running with horses whenever that challenge hits us.