-   Session 4 with Finny Kuruvilla    -

Capital = Influence

Generating global impact through faith driven investing for the sake of Christ.


In Session 4, Finny refutes the idea that world change is fundamentally found through politics or autonomous individuals. Instead, he argues that world transformation is found through institutions. Finny references historical examples of institution-induced world change, including Christopher Columbus’ journey to the New World, the British-founded East India Company, and the Christian-led shareholder pressure against South African apartheid. Finny empowers Faith Driven Investors to recognize the influence that their capital has on the world, and the potential for it to be used powerfully for the sake of Christ. 



  • World change does not primarily come from politics or autonomous individuals, but from institutions.

  • Finny illustrates world change through two historical examples: 1) Christopher Columbus’ expedition to the New World was supported by Spanish investors, which led to today’s Spanish-speaking, Catholic-dominated Central and South America, and 2) the trade and influence of the British East India Company led to Britain’s colonization of India, a driving factor behind India having the second largest English speaking population on Earth.

  • Finny illustrates world change by Christian investors through the story of the end of apartheid in South Africa and the involvement of coordinated Christian investor pressure. 

  • Finny argues that by willingly becoming an owner in a company, you are sanctioning and benefiting from the activities of the company.


  • Finny recalls historical examples of investor-led global impact, such as the expedition of Christopher Columbus and the influence of the British East India Company on the language and culture of India. In light of these examples, how can investment make lasting global change, both positively and negatively? 

  • Finny states that by willingly becoming an owner in a company, you are sanctioning and benefiting from the activities of the company. Today, most investors try to profit from “the market itself” rather than any intrinsic value of the company itself, to the point that most people don’t know what companies they own. As Christian investors, why should we not simply try to profit off “the market itself”?

  • Finny shares the story of successful coordinated Christian investor pressure against South African apartheid. How can faith driven investing, especially coordinated amongst Christian investors, be used as a tool to positively change the world for the sake of Christ?

  • One common thread in Finny’s historical examples is how investment directly affected future languages spoken for centuries by hundreds of millions of people - whether that be Spanish-speakers in Central and South America or English-speakers in India. What spiritual language do we want the world to be speaking? When making investments into frontier markets, do we envision them speaking a language of developing redemptive products and services? Or a language of exploitation and a scarce economy?



Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms

Act Differently

  • Review your investment portfolio. What positive impact are your investments making in the world in line with Biblical principles? What negative impact are your investments making in the world contrary to Biblical principles? 

  • Pray over your investment portfolio and where the Holy Spirit desires it to have an increased kingdom impact.