Robert Netzly

President and CEO | Inspire Investing
Robert is a globally recognized authority in the Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) movement, author of the Amazon #1 best-selling book "Biblically Responsible Investing" and is the Founder and CEO of Inspire Investing, the world’s largest provider of faith-based ETFs.
Robert is a frequent contributor on FOX Business, Bloomberg, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The Christian Post and other major global media for his thought leadership in the faith-based, environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing marketplace.
Does Jesus call everyone to leave their business or sell all they have to follow Him? No, certainly not. But He does call some people to that, and if He calls you there can be no room for deliberation, only counting the cost and immediately following Him.
As an upper-middle class white male, I have no place speaking about racial injustice. The closest thing to racism I have experienced are Latino people making fun of me within earshot, not realizing that this blue-eyed white-boy is fluent in Spanish. Try as I might to empathize, there is no way I can fully understand the experience of my black fellow Americans.
God doesn’t need your money, but He does command your obedience. Droves of Christian investors are discovering biblically responsible investing (BRI) for the first time as the BRI movement continues to gain momentum around the country and around the globe.
Today we are talking to Robert Netzly, President & CEO of Inspire Investing. If you’ve been following the Faith Driven Investor website, that name should sound familiar to you as we’ve featured a lot of their content on our blog.
Intel Corporation [ticker: INTC] is the largest semiconductor chip manufacturer in the United States (second largest in the world behind #1 Samsung) and ranks number 46th in the 2018 Fortune 500 ranking of largest companies in the United States by revenue.
The Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) movement is exploding — in a good way. Demand from Christian investors desiring to align their portfolios to support biblical values is powering asset growth among fund companies and advisory firms focused on providing biblically responsible investment solutions.
Did you consult the Bible before you bought into your investment portfolio?
That may seem like a strange question, but the Bible has a lot to say to Christians about how to manage investments with both financial and moral implications.
Inspire Investing, a global leader in the faith-based, biblically responsible investing (BRI) movement, ranked as the 8th fastest growing firm in Financial Advisor Magazine’s (FA) annual “RIA Ranking” report. This marks the third consecutive year that Inspire has been recognized in the RIA Ranking of fastest growing firms.
Finding a Christian financial advisor isn’t always easy. How do you know where to look? What are you even supposed to be looking for? These questions plague people seaching for a faith-driven investor. Thankfully, Robert Netzly of Inspire Investing put together a great article with helpful advice on what to look for in a Christian financial advisor and how to find one.
“What if my interpretation of the Bible is wrong and the Bible really does give Christians the freedom to invest in anything without raising questions on the ground of conscience?”