Join the AsseT Map of Faith Driven Organizations

The Faith Driven Investor website is becoming a great place to continue conversation, introduce investors to the movement and encourage others to get involved. We've begun a very baseline asset map that begins to outline some of the groups in this conversation, but we'd like to make that a richer experience for people to learn more about other groups. In secular circles its common place to list more information online and we'd like to do the same for the Faith Driven Investor community. A template that we've resonated with is one found on the Impact 50 Website

With our version of the inventory we’ve tried to couple the summary information that any fund might have along with information on what makes you and your fund uniquely “faith driven” so as to differentiate them from other secular funds.  

Our hope is that by putting in a little time, we can be helpful to the movement and you by building awareness in the investor community from the main street investor through to multi-family offices, endowments and foundations. With that in mind, we'd like to invite someone on your team to fill out this linked form below so we can add it to the site before.

Please note that if this is approved by the Working Group for the Faith Driven Investor, this information will be posted publicly on the Faith Driven Investor website.