Developing Ecosystems Report

Developing Ecosystems Report.png

Please sign up for our below newsletter to download the full report as pdf.

Please Note: All opinions expressed, including the team and guests contributors, are solely their opinions. Hosts and guests may maintain positions in the companies and securities discussed. This website is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as specific investment advice for any individual or organization.


recent newsletters


september 2020

The Multi-Family Movement

37% of all Americans live in apartments and other multi-family units. Nationwide, we're at an occupancy rate of over 96%.

While we might think that apartment complexes are places of thriving communities, over 60% of Americans living in apartments described themselves as lonely (and that's before COVID).

This month, we talked to the people doing something about it. David Snyder and Steve Vecchitto joined us to share the potential for spiritual impact in local communities. And Mike Silvestri taught us about social and career impact bonds, something you'll want to learn more about.


august 2020

Going Global with Faith Driven Investors

This is a global movement. If you don't believe us, you haven't listened to this month's podcasts.

We heard from Malcolm Johnston about the rise of faith-driven investing after the fall of communism when unemployment rates hit 65%. The work he has done all across Europe is incredible and worth hearing about.


july 2020

Empowering Students with $16 Million Behind Their Due Diligence

The future of the Faith Driven Investor movement is bright. We know because we talked to the people leading it.

Listen to our podcast with Steven Diedrich and Dick Blanc to hear how Baylor University and Cedarville University are giving students real, hands-on experience in the classroom—such as letting their due diligence guide the allocation of $16 million. You can also hear what their students are saying about the program in our featured articles.


June 2020

Power and Leverage in a Time of Crisis

There's no doubt that now is a time of crisis. Around the world, problems of various sizes and original continue to surface.

But we're encouraged to know that Faith Driven Investors exist in every corner of the globe, fighting injustice and poverty by leveraging the influence God has given them. We've created a page of resources, including Benjamin Watson's thoughtful podcast on the need for honest conversations, which you can find here.


may 2020

The Four Quadrants of a Faith Driven Portfolio

In this month's newsletter, you'll hear from Greg Lernihan about the four quadrants of his faith-driven portfolio. And you can also sit down for a fascinating history lecture from Ken Barnes about why capitalism needs redemption.
But that's just a start. We encourage you to comb through all of these resources, digest them, and let us know what you think. As always, if you have something you'd like to see featured on the site, simply reply to this email and let us know.


april 2020

The Danger of Hanging Your Best Investing Ideas on Scripture

As we eagerly anticipate the days we can see each other in person, we encourage you to check out the top resources included in this email—including an uplifting interview with James Cham, a recent episode from our friend Luke Roush at Sovereign's Capital, and our friends Jerry Bowyer stopped by to talk about the dangers of trying to pin our best ideas on scripture


march 2020

Worry is Not Our Friend and Panic is Not Our Way

With many spring and summer travel plans impacted by Coronavirus, we're looking forward to a "family reunion" this fall in Dallas on Sept 23-24th for the Faith Driven Investor Conference. Until then, we've created a page to spotlight a few of the best resources that touch on our current events.


february 2020

save the date - fdi conference

One year ago, a small group of us gathered in Deer Valley to dream about how the Gospel might advance through Faith Driven Investing. This movement of investors, fund managers and leaders believe that God owns it all and He cares deeply about how we steward His investments. Watermark Community Church in Dallas is graciously working with us to host the what will be this year's defining gathering for Faith Driven Investors, Sept 23-24th.


january 2020

Investing in Sinners, Winsome Shareholders, and the NY Times

We start the new year with a trip to Australia with our guest Tim Macready. You’ll love hearing Tim talk about how he set out to create the “perfect, faith-driven fund”. But then he realized… we’re all sinners. He’s a sinner, every company is led by sinners, and every customer is a sinner. He talks openly about how that shifted his perspective and some of the tough decisions that led him to. You’ll find his episode and much more in this newsletter.


december 2019

top 5 podcasts of 2019

As we close out the year we're grateful for the chance to serve this community of Faith Driven Investors. While the conversation on this platform is merely a few months old, we're humbled and amazed at the work God is choosing to do through you in this new community. Perhaps you're on the road, coming back from the holidays looking for something to give you that fresh start to the new year. Here's a look back at The Top 5 Podcasts that might encourage you on your journey.


november 2019

rooting for rivals

This month, we had Peter Greer on our podcast where he explained why he believes that leaders in the Faith Driven Investing community can multiply their impact when they focus on collaboration and cooperation. He shared both anecdotal and analytical evidence to support his theory that when you come at problems from an abundance mindset—as opposed to one of scarcity—organizations flourish and the Kingdom advances. But that’s not all! See the rest of the best resources from the past month….


October 2019

practicing the king’s economy

At the heart of this movement is a desire to foster collaboration and community, and over the past few weeks, we've seen plenty of both! As you catch up on the best articles, videos, and resources for Faith Driven Investor, make sure you check out the FDI Working Groups. These are a great way to get involved and to learn about who is doing what in your particular sphere of influence.


September 2019

the start of something new

To start this newsletter, we wanted to share the best podcasts, videos, and articles from this Summer. If you’re a fund manager, investor, business leader, or pastor who believes that God owns it all and that He cares deeply about why and how we steward His investments, then this movement is for you!