Posts in Featured
Investing for Impact

Marc Andreesen once said (something that Warren Buffett has since popularized) that he would invest in a house or a boat but not a houseboat. What he meant was that he wanted to put his money toward an investment (i.e. a house) or give it away to charity (i.e. a boat).

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The Hidden Bible Story of Barzillai and What It Says About Using Wealth and Influence for Good

Wealth and influence – it’s a topic that comes up regularly in the business and nonprofit worlds, whether it is expressly mentioned or just thought about silently at networking events. It’s important in the world, whether you are a believer or not, and it’s important to God.

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What We Are For

Christ followers have become known for what we are against—no alcohol, tobacco, adult entertainment, gambling, etc. While acknowledging the good negative screen funds that exist, we desire for our movement to be more known for what we are FOR in how we place our investment capital—things like human flourishing, job creation, redemptive businesses that restore the world to God’s original design in the garden, etc.

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Why I Invest in Sinners by Tim Macready

What a blessing to be in this room. A room of Christ-followers who share a common faith in God as sovereign over everything, including the investment markets in which many of us work day by day. But more than that, we share a common goal that the name of Jesus be glorified in that marketplace; that as stewards we be found faithful with what God has entrusted to us.

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Impact Investing: New Wine into Old Wineskins

More than thirty years ago, I began work in the community investment field as a Jewish activist working with people of other faiths, races and national origins. Working now at the Calvert Foundation, I have found an eagerness among other faith-based investors to continue growing the impact investing field which has become much larger and more financially sophisticated than it was a generation ago.

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Excellence Matters

We strive to do our best, knowing that our best only happens when God does it with us.

Francis Schaeffer once said that it’s to the degree we do our work well, that we have an opportunity to witness and be heard. Excellence should be obvious and not need to be stated.

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