Cassandra Laymon

President and Director of Institutional Sales | Beacon Wealth Consultants and LightPoint Portfolios

Cassandra Laymon is the President of Beacon Wealth Consultants and Director of Institutional Sales for LightPoint Portfolios. Cassandra holds a Master’s Degree in Adult Education and an MBA, both from Rutgers University. She is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and a Certified Kingdom Advisor®. She is a dynamic public speaker and has presented at national conferences for the C12 Group and Kingdom Advisors. For five years she led the Biblically Responsible Investing special interest group for financial professionals who are members of Kingdom Advisors.

Cassandra partners with business owners and churches as a Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor to better understand their company retirement plans, to make them as efficient and cost effective as possible, and to help financial advisors and business owners to better understand their fiduciary responsibilities for their 401(k) and 403(b) plans.

Cassie is the author of two books, "I Found Jesus in the Stock Market" and “The Retirement Game for Nurses.”